Congress has until the end of the year to reverse Ajit Pai’s net neutrality repeal — afterwards, it gets way harder to restore protections against blocking, throttling, and new fees. Our last best chance to save the open Internet is to pass the Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution to overturn the FCC before the end of this Congress, but a crucial deadline is rapidly approaching.Lawmakers have until December 10th to file the CRA discharge petition and force a vote to overturn the FCC. So we’re bringing together tech companies, small businesses, and Internet users for an epic push on November 29th to make sure lawmakers act before the deadline.If you want to save the free and open Internet, the single best thing you right now is head over to DeadlineForNetNeutrality.com and tell your reps that you want them to restore net neutrality.Then click here to find ideas for how you can use your piece of the Internet to spread the word to more people. Whether you run a blog, website, or have social media accounts with a handful of followers, you have an important role play in spreading the word. And if you have ideas for how we can reach more people share them in the comments below.For months nearly 250 House representatives have sat on their hands and done nothing while Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T used lobbyists and bribes to kill net neutrality. Now we're need to work together to make sure they have to face their constituents before the deadline to overturn the FCC's undemocratic repeal.Thanks,The team at Fight for the Future via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2DRmf6X
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