Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Join other Redditors traveling to Washington, DC on September 26 - 27 to meet directly with lawmakers and save net neutrality

As you may have heard, the FCC is intent on gutting the net neutrality protections that keep the internet free from censorship, throttling, and extra fees, and companies like Comcast and Verizon are pushing hard for Congress to pass legislation that would make this permanent. The single most effective way to stop this from happening is for as many of us as possible to meet directly with our members of Congress to show them there is widespread support for Title II net neutrality rules.To do this, Fight for the Future, EFF, Public Knowledge, and other groups are organizing Internet users from all over the country to travel to DC on September 26 - 27 to meet face to face with Senators and Representatives. Participants will be able to attend a training on how to make these meetings effective, and will be paired with a guide to show where to go on Capitol Hill.To make sure people can make it our, we are funding a limited number of travel stipends for people to fly out or taking public transit to DC. To apply for a travel stipend, and learn more about our day of advocacy, check out our site. Also, If you are planning to drive there or need a ride, you should check out our carpooling thread over at /r/KeepOurNetFree.Net neutrality is the basic principle that has made the Internet into what it is today. It protects free expression and innovation by preventing ISPs like Verizon and AT&T, from controlling what we can see and do online. The only thing that can stop them is a coordinated grassroots effort of constituents directly pressuring our members of Congress, who have the power to stop the FCC and vote down bad legislation. Please, Join us in DC and show congress that the internet needs to stay open and free. via /r/EarthPorn

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