After looking at the top posts of the last couple of months we noticed that you seem to love and upvote progress pictures a lot. We want you to know that we heard you loud and clear.Every sub tries to find its identity and carve out a niche for itself so, after long behind the scene conversations, we decided that progress pics will be our niche:Starting today we will limit /r/pics to progress pictures only.So what does that mean for you apart from the awesomeness of more progress pictures?All pictures must include a before and after state, but this isn't limited to just people, anything showing progression in any context is allowed.Examples:Drawing progressWeight loss progressTechnology progressPregnancy progressGeographical progressFinancial progressAging progressb) Every title has to contain the word progress. All submissions that don't will be removed without exception.We will try this for a week and if it is well-received then we will keep those rule changes forever. via /r/pics